Lent Newsletter Excerpt | From the Deacons’ Bench

Written by Gary Veeneman, Chair of Deacons

As a month has already passed into the New Year, here is a brief note on what your Deacons are already engaged in this year. We met at our monthly meeting in January and discussed and created a new Benevolence Guideline policy. In the “charge to the Deacons” we are called as Deacons to “… realize that benevolence is a quality of life in Christ and not merely a matter of financial assistance.” This indicates that Benevolence involves a lifestyle of respect and compassion. It guides us, as Deacons, on how we relate to people in need. A draft document will be presented at our February meeting.

In our last meeting, the Deacons also discussed the many visits that were made to many of our Young at Heart folks over the Christmas season. We hope you were blessed by the visit as much as the Deacon were blessed hearing your stories and your life experiences. The Deacons are also encouraged by the Congregation’s response to our appeal for the clothing bank. Please continue to bring new or gently used “winter clothing” as there is always a need when the weather gets colder.

The Deacons have also been tasked, in the next few months, to consider nominations for new Deacons. So, if you are asked to let your name stand, please prayerfully consider if you have been called to serve in this position at Living Hope Christian Reformed Church.

One last note: If you see or hear of a need in our congregation or in your community, please contact any of the Deacons so we may be of assistance, if we are able.