Al & Sue Wisselink
We have been members of Living Hope since 1977 and love this church with all of our hearts. We raised our three sons in this church and have been active in various roles as time and talent would allow. When we both retired in 2014, we asked God if He could give us some type of ministry that we could voluntarily do together. We did talk a little about the position of pastoral visitors to seniors, but we were waiting to see if it was what we were supposed to do. Then our church council asked if we would be interested in taking on this position. Since we had already talked about it, we readily agreed!
There is a large group of people that is over 60 in our congregation, so we were asked to concentrate on the widows, widowers, shut-ins and those seniors in the hospital. We also take part in the monthly seniors gatherings and celebrate special milestones with them. We have a wonderful group of seniors in our church. It is a delight to visit them and to hear their stories about how God continues to show His faithfulness to them throughout the joys and sorrows of their lives. It is our joy and privilege to serve God and His church in this capacity.
You can contact us through our church office.