The Triune God
In worship we address the triune God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – one God in three persons. We give glory, honour, and praise to the Father, whom we have come to know through the mediating work of Christ the Son, prompted by the internal working of the Holy Spirit. It is this Triune God who guides all our planning. It is this Triune God who initiates and invites us to worship, and we respond by participating through the tangible things of the sacraments – water, bread, wine. Through the intangible things of melodies, rhythms, and harmonies. And interpersonal activities of gestures, smiles and handshakes. God comes to us, and we move towards him and he uses all these things we do in worship to speak to us as we carry our praise and prayer back to him. And this is all possible because of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection; it is what we proclaim when we worship and why we each have a song to sing.
“It’s not a song we originated or created. We can’t add to it, change it, or improve upon it. It’s the song of the redeemed for their great Redeemer.”
Bob Kauflin, True Worshippers