You are invited to 4 evenings of learning together with others at Living Hope!
From February 9 to March 2 at 7:00pm at Living Hope, we are offering opportunities to get to know some others in the church community while learning more about how we can grow in our understanding of who God is.
You will have one of FOUR options to choose from. You will attend your chosen option all four times, as each option is designed as a four-part curriculum. Descriptions of each elective can be found below!

Grace and Truth: How Do We Have Conversations Around Sexuality?

Led by Pastor Steve Berkenpas | Lead Pastor

A few of years ago we did listening circles centered around the Human Sexuality Report. During this time members were invited to a process of reading a 170+ page report with section titles that included words like pornography, homosexuality, and gender dysphoria. The denomination realized that these subjects could be divisive, so they put together material that helped from discussions that focused on hearing from each person. It was encouraging to see that these circles were able to give a space for something that is hard to do: providing a way of talking about the human sexuality report with people from diverse perspectives without it becoming something that divides us.

As the listening circles finished we have been asking the question ‘what’s next?’ How can we continue to have conversations about sexuality? We know that this is something that we need to continue to discuss, we need to continue to find ways of talking about it because it is something that is meaningful in the culture around us. We need to be thoughtful, intentional, and proactive in these conversations and a major part of this is continuing to learn how to have these conversations.

In light of this, I led a group of leaders at Living Hope through material titled Grace and Truth last January and February over the span of 9 weeks. This provided a meaningful space to engage this subject and there was much encouragement from our leaders to give an opportunity for others in the congregation to reflect on the same material. So, this year we are going to do this, covering only some of the material in a 4 week span. If you have any questions or concerns about the material please let me (Pastor Steve) know and we can discuss this.

I am looking forward to meeting with more people in the church to discuss this. I think this is important, not just because it is a challenging subject, but it is a place where God is on the move and at work. As I’ve said in the past, whenever culture is undergoing change, there is always missional opportunity. God is always at work in our world and in our culture and that should give us confidence in having these discussions. We can step in asking ourselves how we are to bring the beauty of God’s vision of sexuality into words and into practice.

Canons of Dordt: One Flower in the Reformed Bouquet

Led by Pastor Ben Wimmers | Pastor of Youth and Family

One of my favourite things I have had the opportunity to do here at Living Hope has been to lead our youth and young adults through the Heidelberg Catechism and the Belgic Confession. I love seeing how digging deeper into these documents opens up appreciation and enthusiasm for what we believe for our youth and I am looking forward to extending a similar invitation to the whole congregation.

The Canons of Dordt and their theology are perhaps the most misunderstood facets of Reformed Theology. It is also the least referenced of our three forms of unity and at first glance it is not hard to see why: dealing with the particularities of salvation, providence, and free will is not an easy task. It might lack the attractive Q&A format of the Heidelberg Catechism of the prose or the Belgic Confession, but taking a deeper look will reveal that there is something of beauty within this document. While it doesn’t summarize all of our teaching, we will see how it represents a beautiful flower in the Reformed Bouquet.

If you have wondered at all about divine election and human free will, this will be the place to wrestle and discuss the substance of these teachings and how they impact our understanding of the work of God in the world and our participation in that work.

Worshiping Together: How Does Living Hope Form Itself in Worship?

Led by Alyssa Berkenpas | Worship Coordinator

Are you curious about how worship shapes us as a community? Do you serve – or feel called to serve – on a worship team? Whether you’re a musician, singer, or simply someone who loves to engage in worship and conversations around worship – this four-week elective is for you!

Together, we will look deeper into what it means to be part of a worship team and explore how worship forms us as individuals and as a church. Over four weeks, we’ll unpack the why behind what we sing, the role music and worship has in spiritual growth, our posture towards technology in worship, and what it looks like to be a welcoming worshipping community.

Whether you’re part of a worship team or just want to understand more about how worship shapes our hearts and community, these conversations will be a great opportunity to grow together in our understanding and practice of worship.

Personality Dimensions: Developing Understanding, Discovering Strengths & Honouring Diversity

Led by Jan Contant

Why do some people – colleagues, family members, students – get “under your skin” more than others? How do you deal with people that “just don’t seem to get it” when it’s so obvious to you?
Have you ever wondered why you react to some people the way you do?

Studies have shown that temperament styles affect the way we process information, communicate, and achieve our goals and self-esteem. Understanding one’s own temperament helps to better recognize and value similar and different temperaments. Different types sometimes misunderstand or even annoy each other. Yet, it is important to recognize that each type has unique strengths to offer our church community. Come and explore this together!

  • Edu-taining = educational + entertaining
  • A tool to help increase understanding
  • An exciting approach to personal understanding
  • Intended to “label” or “stereotype” people
  • An attempt to fully explain the complexity of human behaviour
  • Identify your temperament in a fast-paced, fun setting with practical applications
  • Become knowledgeable so you will understand and appreciate the commonalities and differences of various temperament and personality preferences
  • Identify strengths, values, and motivations of different temperaments
  • Learn to adjust communication and understanding for greater effectiveness
  • Gain insight into what makes others tick… as well as what annoys them
  • Recognize behaviors that indicate when another may be stressed or struggling
  • Applications for relational and team-building, stress management, and parenting