September 30

COVID Guidelines

Living Hope is now gathering in person! Everyone is welcome!

At Living Hope we have committed to following the best practices laid out by our health officials. We see this as being hospitable for those who are vulnerable and otherwise would not feel comfortable in coming to church. We also see this as a way of showing care and concern for our neighbours and broader community. This is why, following the announcement on Monday Aug 23 for masks to be worn in indoor public spaces, we ask that you wear masks as you come into the church building.

The guidelines for our Sunday services are:
• We ask you to wear masks when you are inside the church building, only removing them when you are seated.
• We strongly recommend wearing masks while singing.
• As you find your seat we ask that you keep social distancing in mind where possible, spacing ourselves out the best we can throughout the whole sanctuary.
• We will be providing childcare for all ages under kindergarten. Children are welcome to stay in the service as well.
• We ask that you keep your greeting contact free.
• After the service you will be encouraged to carry the fellowship outdoors rather than inside